Sometimes life catches us off guard and we find ourselves grieving the loss of a loved one. A few weeks ago, I learned that one of my junior high teachers had passed away. I loved her dearly but never had the opportunity to tell her just how much she positively impacted my life. I mourned her transition. Seven days later, I learned that a dear friend and soror (a black Greek term for sorority sister) had passed away after a short illness. Again, I felt as though my heart had made its way to permanently taking up residence in my toes. My heart ached….deeply. I wish I could tell you that I am beyond the grieving process for my loved ones but I am not. The Bible shares in Psalms 34:18, The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. I know that Jesus is with me. I feel His presence even now.
Shortly after my healing process began, I learned of the self-inflicted death of a well-known celebrity. Like most, I was stunned by the news of such a tragedy. I was taken farther aback because I realized that so many people need to know that they have someone. We all need to know that we matter and that we have made a difference in this world. So, from my heart, I wrote and sent the following message to many people last week.
Many of you I do not have the opportunity to speak with on a daily or weekly basis, but I want each of you to know that you are important to me and I need you to survive. I need you to endure your process and I need you to live your best life. I love you and please don’t ever hesitate to reach out to me when you need a friend. I’m only a phone call away. I love you to life and that is the absolute truth!
Yeah, I know…it’s just a little sappy but it is the truth. Take the time today to let those who have touched your life in a positive way know that you appreciate them. Let those whom you love know that you love them. It’s sappy but it’s true. You need me and I definitely need you!
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