Main Content
Helping people find their way back to God
Everyone is welcome
We’ve seen the transformation hundreds of times – people who came to us full of doubt and uncertainty become secure in the knowledge of their rightful place in God’s great kingdom. The change may start slowly – in a Bible Study class or conference, perhaps – but once it begins, it picks up speed. The good works, shared experiences, time spent in prayer – all bring us closer to our highest calling.
Meet Niki Behr
Reverend Niki Behr’s passion is to bring the lost to the Good Shepherd, to remind those who have made tragic mistakes that Christ is only a prayer away, and to demonstrate the love of Christ through service to others. Niki is an anointed and compassionate woman of God who simply wants the Lord to be pleased with her life.
Our Work
The foundation of the ministry

During these gatherings the preached word will be delivered, essential Biblical workshops will be presented, and intense Bible Studies will take place.

Outreach Programs
Niki Behr Ministries participates in revivals, donation drives, scholarships, awards, and more to bring the love of God to the community.

Behr Prints Blog
Our monthly blog, written by Reverend Niki, is designed to encourage & uplift the people of God as we continue to win souls for the Kingdom of God.
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